Sunday, August 3, 2008

Discovering the MIND

We all know something about our conscious mind. At least we can make certain presumptions about our consciousness. Consciousness for most of us is the fact of the awareness of our thinking, feeling, and doing. Although, the reactions to the stimuli may differ from person to person, or even in the same person from time to time, the fact that everyone is capable of reacting is taken as a sign of consciousness. These conscious acts are sometimes termed as conscious mind.

Similarly, certain acts are performed reflexively or without conscious awareness. For instance, mind goes on thinking bad thoughts despite attempts to control them. From where such thoughts as of anger, lust, jealousy, hatred, and even desire to harm others, come? Same is the case with good or noble thoughts also. Selflessness predominates in some persons to the extent that these persons give up everything and start working for the welfare of world. From where do such thoughts arise?

All these thoughts arise in the Subconscious mind. The Subconscious mind is a sub-total of all the past experiences of our lives ( whether they be good or bad, sad or happy). The experiences that we come across from the day we stand on our feet are processed by our conscious mind and then is passed on to our sub-conscious mind in the form of some subtle impressions. These impressions interact and give birth to a proclivity. Proclivity can be termed as a tendency to react to a particular way in a particular manner. These tendencies when mixup with the environmental factors give rise to the desired outcomes.

For instance, suppose there is silent unseen and unknown tendency to take alcohol, or to smoke, in our subconscious mind. Necessary conditions in the form of a friend, a bar, a cigarette vendor, etc. would bring forth the desire to drink or to smoke; and we are in there!

So it can be said that the conscious mind is a gateway to the sub-conscious mind. Whatever we sow in it we reap the same. We come across a lot of articles that talk about the so called "positive thinking" :D I call it a mere piece of crap because no one is focussed to teach the basics of the art of mastering the mind. The legacy of the sub-conscious mind is still a myth or an unknown fact to billions of those who wander in search of success with a torch of POSITIVE ATTITUDE. It is only a mere torch unless it is kindled with the flame of fire of positive energy that is reaped from the Sub-conscious.

Realise that we have the ability to create our life's experience, and that we have been doing that from the day we were born. Make the choice to start using this ability consciously now, in order for you to create new subconscious beliefs that honour you and are more effective than ones you might have using up till now, or to create even more of the experiences you were having already. Your life becomes a very interesting journey when you do. It is never too late!

If your Sub-conscious says that you can do it then no power in this world can stop you from doing it... The moment your Sub-conscious fails or falls in a dilemma you will find yourself as big failure, no matterhow hard you try you will neva succeed.....

You just need to tell yourself YOU CAN..... The above stuff has nothing to with positive attitude. Its just a voyage to the innermost secrets of the Sub-conscious....